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How to Make an Ankle Brace Using Wood

Preparedness is important if you ever plan to spend any extended time outdoors, such as in the forest or on a mountain. Accidents happen and you may not always be prepared for them. If someone in your group severely sprains or breaks an ankle, you should know how to improvise so you can make an ankle brace out of wood sticks. A brace such as this, often called a “splint,” makes it much easier to transport an injured person out of the woods without further damaging his ankle.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 half-inch diameter wood branches
  • Pocket knife
  • Fabric
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    • 1

      Locate two one-half inch diameter branches lying on the ground. If you cannot find any, cut branches off trees with your pocket knife. Cut the branches to approximately 12 to 18 inches.

    • 2

      Cut all of the stems off the branches you plan to use. Make sure no part of the branch can poke the injured person. Round over any nubs that could further the injury.

    • 3

      Cut four to six pieces of fabric long enough that you can wrap the fabric around the injured leg and tie it.

    • 4

      Place the branches on the left and right side of the injured person’s leg, with the bottom of the branch flush with the bottom of the foot.

    • 5

      Wrap the leg and ankle with the fabric as tight as you can without cutting off circulation. The branches should not hurt the injured person. Tie the fabric with knots that you can untie later.

    • 6

      Check the brace routinely to ensure it is not too tight. Unknot the fabric and adjust it, as needed.