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How to Remove Kitchen Pot Burns

It's tempting to toss a kitchen pot after the food you're cooking burns and affixes to the bottom. But throwing the pot away isn't practical or economical -- and while the burned pot may appear impossible to clean, it can be relatively easy, especially if you give it time to soak. If the pot is cast iron, don’t soak it in water, as that can cause it to rust. There are several methods for removing burned on foods from pots.

Things You'll Need

  • Liquid dish soap
  • Ammonia
  • Baking soda
  • White distilled vinegar
  • Scrubber
  • Paper towel
  • Vegetable or peanut oil
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  1. Soaking Non-Cast Iron Pots

    • 1

      Squirt liquid dish soap on the bottom of the pan.

    • 2

      Fill the pan with hot tap water. Do not use cold water, especially if the pan is hot off the stove.

    • 3

      Allow the pan to set for about two hours and then rinse.

    • 4

      Fill the pan with hot water and add ammonia, using 1/2-cup ammonia for every 2 cups of hot water. Do this if the stains are stubborn. Do not do this if the pan has a non-stick coating or is aluminum.

    • 5

      Let the pan set for about two hours and then empty and wash.

    Overnight Non-Cast Iron Pots

    • 6

      Fill the pot with boiling water from a teapot.

    • 7

      Add 5 tablespoons baking soda.

    • 8

      Allow the pot to set overnight and then wash.

    Non-Stick Pots

    • 9

      Add 1 cup water, 2 tablespoons baking soda, ½-cup vinegar to a non-stick pan with burned on food.

    • 10

      Place on the stove and boil for 10 minutes.

    • 11

      Wash the pan in hot soapy water. Dry the pan thoroughly.

    • 12

      Moisten a paper towel with a few drops of vegetable oil and wipe over the non-stick surface.

    Cast Iron Pots

    • 13

      Add 1 quart water and 2 tablespoons baking soda to a cast iron pot with burned on food.

    • 14

      Place on the stove and boil for five minutes.

    • 15

      Pour off all but about a cup of the water and scrub with a plastic scrub pad.

    • 16

      Rinse the pot in hot water and dry thoroughly.

    • 17

      Wipe the pot with a cloth soaked in peanut oil to re-season.