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Particles Are Sticking to the Glasses in the Dishwasher

After running your dishes and glassware through the dishwasher, you naturally expect them to come out clean. If you remove the glasses and instead of sparkling glassware you find unsightly particles sticking to them, don't be tempted to run them through the dishwasher a second time. That probably won’t resolve the particle problem.
  1. Hard Water

    • Hard water is a common cause of spots or white particles left behind on glassware. Hard water has a high concentration of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. Water deposits minerals on surfaces with which it comes in contact, leaving the minerals behind when the water evaporates.

    Heat Factor

    • Those particles might be soap particles. If the dishwasher water does not get hot enough, the soap fails to dissolve properly, and it does not rinse completely from your glasses. Check the temperature of the water going to the dishwasher. Refer to your manufacturer’s user manual for the recommended temperature for the appliance.

    Water Pressure

    • Your dishwasher may be having other issues, aside from insufficient water temperature, resulting in soap left behind on your dishes. Check the water pressure. A dishwasher with low water pressure does a poor job washing your dishes. There might be a blockage in the drain, preventing water from draining out quickly, and polluting your rinse water.

    Load Factor

    • You may be improperly loading the dishwasher. If loaded incorrectly, dishes and glasses can interfere with the flow of the wash and rinse water in the appliance, resulting in particles left behind on the dishes and glasses. Refer to your dishwasher’s user manual for loading instructions. You also need to rinse or wipe off the debris before loading dishes in the appliance. Some dishwashers do a better job than others in cleaning unrinsed dishes. Make sure you are using the appliance according to the manufacturer’s instructions. For example, if your dishwasher has two soap dispensers, and you use both, yet set the machine for a shorter cycle, the machine may not have had time to remove all the soap.


    • Soak the glassware in a vinegar and water solution to remove the particles. For heavy buildup, use straight white distilled vinegar. The mild acid of the vinegar cuts through the soap and minerals. To prevent future stains, soften your water or add vinegar to the rinse cycle of your dishwasher. Check your dishwasher soap. If it is old or improperly stored, it can leave particles on your glasses. Make sure your dishwasher is working properly.