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Can I Pour Acid Solution Down the Sink?

Under normal circumstances, you should never pour any sort of acid into your sink, toilet, storm drain or gutter, where it can damage your plumbing and enter the water system. Most acidic solutions, even those found in common household products, should be brought to a local wastewater treatment or hazardous waste facility. Weak acidic solutions, however, can be neutralized carefully and then disposed of in a sink attached to a municipal sewer system.
  1. Disposal Facilities

    • Proper disposal is especially important if you do not know the origin, type or age of the acidic solution. Some local governments or environmental non-profit organizations sponsor special days or events where they will dispose of household chemicals. Your local government or fire department should have more information about proper disposal in your community.

    Muriatic Acid

    • Even in small amounts, muriatic, or hydrochloric, acid should be disposed of using proper facilities. Never attempt to handle muriatic acid without proper safety precautions as it can easily cause severe irritation and burning of your eyes and skin, and its vapors are extremely dangerous when inhaled. If you are unsure whether a product contains muriatic acid, always act as if it does: handle it wearing gloves, goggles and a respirator mask, and always keep any suspected muriatic acid away from children and pets.

    Sink Disposal

    • Empty a box of baking soda into a large, plastic bucket. Fill 1/4 of the bucket with warm water and mix well using a wooden spoon. Add the acidic solution into the bucket a small amount at a time, stirring as you go. The baking soda-water solution should fizz as the acid is added, and will stop fizzing when the acid is completely neutralized. Pour in more baking soda, if needed, once you have emptied the container of acidic solution and the solution is still fizzing. Add baking soda until the solution stops fizzing and there is a layer of baking soda at the bottom of the bucket. Pour the neutralized acid down the sink, flushing well with water. Allow your faucet to run for several minutes after dumping to ensure complete flushing.


    • When handling any acidic solutions, always use protective gloves and goggles to prevent skin exposure or injury to yourself through accidental spills. If you spill acidic solution on your skin, wash the area well and neutralize any burning with baking soda. Use the same technique to clean up spills on floors or counters: neutralize the acid completely with baking soda before wiping up the spill. If you ingest any acidic solution or splash some in your eyes, call for emergency medical attention immediately.