Home Garden

How to Care for a Willow Market Basket

A willow basket lends a warm, natural touch to your home decor. A market basket, which refers to a tightly woven basket with a handle for carrying, can be used for practical purposes or simply for decoration. Either way, care needs to be taken to keep your willow basket looking its best. Some weekly maintenance and a few basic supplies are all you need to make sure your willow basket is serviceable for years to come.


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      Keep your basket out of constant direct sunlight. Do not store your basket in an area that is humid, very cold or very hot. Too much moisture can cause mold and extreme temperatures cause cracking and brittle structure.

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      Remove your basket from any areas where it might pick up grease or soot, such as near a stove or fireplace. Both of these elements can be difficult or impossible to remove.

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      Dust your basket with a clean paintbrush or a feather duster every week. Clean any particularly soiled areas gently with a damp cotton cloth. Allow the basket to dry thoroughly before placing anything in it.

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      Handle your willow basket with clean hands. Lotion or natural oil from your skin can damage the basket and contribute to mold growth.