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Things to Do With Laundry Softener Sheets

The pleasant scent of a laundry or fabric softener sheet is something that often evokes feelings of freshness and comfort. Floral and outdoor-scented laundry softener sheets leave clothes smelling fresh and soft after they come out of the dryer. If you discard used sheets or have an abundance of sheets in your cupboard, there are several other uses for them that you may want to try.
  1. Bug Repellent

    • If you are trying to steer away from chemically-laden bug sprays and repellent, a scented laundry softener sheet may help with keeping biting critters away. Bugs, especially mosquitoes, do not like the scent of most fabric softener sheets. The scent combined with the ingredients on the sheet help keep bugs at bay. Simply rub a fresh sheet over clothes, hair and skin. You can also stick a few sheets in the pockets of your clothes. Instead of using deet-based products that have been known to have adverse reactions in many people, fabric sheets are generally safer to use. If your skin is sensitive or you are prone to allergic reactions, test a small area before rubbing the sheet over your exposed skin areas.

    Drawer Freshener

    • If it's spring and you are putting away your clothes for the winter, try sticking a laundry softener sheet between each clothing item. A laundry sheet will keep your clothes smelling like you just took them out of the dryer. If you generally use moth balls or cedar chips to keep moths and other bugs away, replace with a dryer sheet. Moths avoid items that are highly scented and the result is damage-free clothing when you get ready to pull out your favorite sweater. You can also tuck sheets into your dresser drawer and closet to keep everything smelling fresh and clean.

    In the Kitchen

    • Keep a box of your favorite laundry softener sheets in your kitchen handy. The Daily Green website explains that you can take a sheet and place it in a dirty, grease ridden pan. Add hot water, cover and allow the pan to soak overnight with the sheet. In the morning remove the water and the sheet and the food particles and baked on grease will become loose and easy to clean. You can also wad a laundry sheet up to buff the bottom of scorched pans to help remove residue. A laundry softener sheet can be used as a disposable dish cloth when camping or on the go.


    • A laundry softener sheet can be used in the dryer to freshen your clothes, but it can also be used outside of the dryer. If you suffer from static electricity, try rubbing a sheet on the inside and outside of your favorite pair of dress slacks or clingy skirt. The sheet will reduce static cling and make your clothing feel comfortable and more presentable. You can also use a fabric softener sheet to remove lint and pet hair from your clothes and upholstery.