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How to Drown Out Noise in Rooms

If you live in a densely populated area, you will likely want to reduce outside noises, whether it's foot traffic and people talking on the sidewalks or the sounds of nearby construction. Even if you don't live in an urban area, you may want to mask noise within your house so that you can enjoy better sleep or greater privacy. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to drown out noise in a room.


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      Install dual-paned, triple-glazed or sound-resistant windows if the noise you want to drown out comes from nearby traffic, trains, airports or construction work. Some companies also produce soundproof doors that can greatly reduce noise coming from outside of your home. A less expensive solution is caulking, sealing and weatherstripping your windows.

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      Hire a contractor to insulate your walls and soundproof them -- this can be expensive, but effective. Soundproofing the walls of a room is an especially good idea if the noise you want to drown out comes from other areas within your home.

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      Purchase a white-noise machine, which generates continuous, random sounds at a frequency that can mask noises in a room. White-noise machines are often multitaskers, with clocks, radios and even CD players built in, and they typically have volume controls.

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      Buy a device that will make a low-pitched humming or blowing noise, such as a fan or air purifier. This can help children sleep or mask sounds and conversations happening in adjacent rooms. The effect will be similar to using a white-noise machine and will be cheaper, although it may not be as effective. It is also possible to buy CD recordings of nature sounds or white noise that can help drown out sounds.

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      Use quality rugs, carpeting or acoustical mats to absorb noise, whether it's coming from inside or outside of your home. An advantage to this solution is that it is relatively inexpensive and can likely be employed if you're renting the place you live in. You can also buy acoustical curtains that help reduce the noise in a room.