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Can I Use Recycled Grey Water to Wash Dishes?

Grey water is any water other than toilet water that ordinarily goes down the drain in a home. With the costs of water increasing, many people are seeking to find creative uses for this otherwise wasted water. While there are many uses for all grey water, washing dishes in grey water must be done with care.
  1. Grey Water

    • Examples of grey water include bath/shower water, bathroom sink water, washing machine water and dishwasher water. According to the University of Massachusetts County Extension Office, grey water is not considered safe for drinking because it contains grease, hair, detergent, cosmetics, dead skin, food particles and small amounts of fecal matter.

    Recommended Uses

    • The primary recommended use for grey water is for watering indoor and outdoor plants. Grey water can be used to water grass, tress, flowers and other garden plants. In fact, some savvy homeowners have even rigged special drain pipes to carry their grey water directly outside to plants. As can be noted, washing dishes is not one of the recommended uses for grey water. This is because most grey water contains potentially unhealthy substances that would not be sanitary for dishes and utensils.


    • While not recommended, there are some forms of grey water that can be used for washing dishes. For instance, the next time you warm up the morning shower or bath, place a bucket in the tub to collect the initial cold water. This water is completely clean and would otherwise go down the drain. The same holds true for warming up the kitchen or bathroom sink. The key to remember is that you should avoid grey water that has already been contaminated with something else.


    • Grey water is never recommended for consumption. Placing dishes into used grey water can lead to potentially harmful effects including toxic bacteria. If you do wish to reuse all grey water for washing dishes, make sure that the dishes are then given a rinse and sterilizing treatment in the dishwasher.