Home Garden

Can a Computer Shut the Lights Off in a Room?

Using computers or smart phones to control the lights in your home or business is not a possibility; it is reality. There are a number of ways to take advantage of digital technology to control your energy consumption, save money or enhance security. In fact, according to Microsoft, an entire “smart” home is just over the horizon, as their engineers research and perfect new technologies on display at their “Home of the Future,” located on company headquarters in Redmond, Washington.
  1. Advantages

    • Being able to remotely control lights in your home or office provides distinct advantages. It allows you to reduce energy consumption by being able to ensure lights are turned off when they are not needed – even if you were not the last person to physically leave the space. You can also turn on lights periodically to simulate occupancy, a time-honored tactic that discourages thieves and enhances overall security.


    • Depending on the program and device you use, there are a number of specific functions you can control remotely. Programs can include the ability to turn on and off specific lights as well as all lights in a structure; control the dimness or brightness of lights; act as a timer for automatic turn on or turn off of lights; and provide reports that estimate your energy usage.


    • These lighting control systems can work in a variety of ways, but most commonly through radio or wireless signals. In radio systems, the lights are programmed into the home-based portion of a control device and the light broadcasts a radio-frequency wave, which allows you to remotely communicate with it using either a remote control or a program which you install in your computer or smart phone that allows it to act as a remote control. Wireless systems program your lights in a similar way as radio, only they transmit data via your home’s wireless router and create a Web page or interface that you can view on a computer or smart phone and control the lights.

    Other Controls

    • These same types of control programs can be used to control other utilities at your home or office. There are systems that, for example, allow you to control the temperature in the building, and turn on or off heat and air-conditioner units; turn on or off sprinkler or water systems; and monitor buildings for fires, storm damage or earthquakes.