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What Is Colorado Silver Flatware?

Colorado silver flatware is silverware made from silver mined in Colorado. Even though Colorado silver flatware is no longer readily produced, you can still find it in various locations. This antique silverware will last for many years with the proper care and cleaning.
  1. Colorado Silver Flatware

    • Colorado silver flatware is available in a wide array of designs and markings. You can identify Colorado silver flatware by the words "Colorado Silver" or "Colorado Solid Silver" imprinted on the back of the piece. Colorado silver flatware can be either silver-plated or solid silver depending on the individual piece.

    Where To Buy Colorado Silver Flatware

    • Colorado silver flatware was originally produced in the late 1800s and early 1900s when the silver boom was at its highest, according to The Bronze Look. Even though it is not readily available today, you can still find individual pieces as well as sets of Colorado silver flatware at estate sales, yard sales, flea markets, auctions and antique stores.

    Care and Cleaning

    • Care and cleaning of your Colorado silver flatware is done in the same manner as other antique flatware. Clean the silver flatware with warm water and a mild dish soap, gently scrubbing with a microfiber cloth and rinse thoroughly with warm water. Once the silver is clean, dry it by gently wiping with a clean microfiber cloth.


    • Before attempting to clean your antique silverware, always test the cleaning solution on an inconspicuous area of the piece. Wait for 24 hours and if no damage or discoloration occurs, continue with the cleaning process. For more information on your particular piece of Colorado silver flatware, contact a silver shop or antique dealer.