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How to Loosen Tight Threads Around Woven Carpet Edges

Serging, the process that finishes carpets that have rows of threads along the edge, sometimes results in stitching that's too tight. This can cause puckers and unevenness in the carpet. In the case of carpet modules or carpet squares, a serger -- a machine that creates the edging stitches -- creates the rows of threads that prevent the carpet from unraveling by serging all the edges. Edges that are too tight may affect the fit of the carpet, especially if you're laying carpet modules edge to edge. Although loosening tight threads around woven carpet edges is time-consuming, you might be able to improve the carpet edge.

Things You'll Need

  • Stacks of books or other weighty objects
  • Tapestry needle
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      Grasp the affected carpet edge with your hands 6 to 8 inches apart and work it back and forth, moving one hand forward and the other back a few times. This can help to loosen the threads by pulling them slightly. If you work the carpet edge vigorously, the small holes the serger needle made may enlarge enough to reduce the tension on the threads without damaging the carpet.

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      Repeat the process of working the carpet edge, moving your hands along it 6 inches at a time. Work the entire affected area. Lay the carpet flat and check the effect. If there is still too much tightness in one area, repeat the process there.

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      Apply weights, such as stacks of books, to the carpet edge if any sign of puckering remains. If the tight threads caused any bunching or puckering in the carpet, weighing the carpet edge down after loosening the threads will retrain the carpet to lay flat. Leave the edge weighed down for half a day or overnight.

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      Remove the weights and check the edge. Insert a tapestry needle under 1/4 inch of threads wherever they remain too tight. Gently maneuver the needle back and forth under the threads to help loosen them. Use gentle, firm pressure to pull at the threads. Repeat, 1/4 inch at a time, to loosen the edge.