Home Garden

What Can You Put Between an Oven & Microwave to Insulate?

Insulation between an oven and microwave is important to ensure that each functions properly and efficiently. Without insulation or some empty space, you can run the risk of permanently damaging either of the appliances or starting a kitchen fire.
  1. Foam Insulation

    • Placing sheets of foam insulation around your oven will help make it more efficient and will help prevent it from heating up your microwave and, depending on its proximity and temperature, from permanently damaging your microwave. No matter what is next to the oven, however, you always need to insulate it.

    Empty Space

    • Most microwaves require some clearance to ensure that the doors open and that the microwave vents properly. Without this, the microwave may develop water problems or mold, or it could electrically short over time. Thus, always check with your microwave dealer to determine how much empty space should be between your microwave and oven.


    • Placing a cabinet in between the oven and the microwave will help prevent the heat from the oven from damaging the microwave. It will not, however, negate the need for empty space between the microwave and the cabinet, as most microwaves need to be vented and need a certain amount of unused space surrounding some of their sides.

    Another Appliance

    • Kitchens are full of many appliances that are often inset into cabinets and on the wall. You can place one of these in between the oven and the microwave. These appliances could include a dishwasher, refrigerator, freezer or wine cooler.