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How to Organize a Messy Teen's Room

Practically all parents have to deal with the messy teen phase at some point in time. Some strategies will help you and your teen get through that phase, though. Organization is the key to keeping it clean. Create specific areas of the room that are task focused. This helps to keep teens who are easily distracted on task.


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      Divide the room into areas. This might be difficult with a small room, but ideally, you want four separate areas. Arrange furniture and accents by area.

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      Put the bed in the sleeping area. This is the simplest part of the room to organize, as nothing needs to go here except the bed itself and possibly a small nightstand for essential items such as a lamp, glasses or medication if the teen requires it.

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      Create a study area with a desk. Having a separate study will keep the teen focused on studying when required. Provide a bookshelf. All papers, pens, the computer and other school supplies should be kept on or in the desk. Position the desk so that the teen faces away from any tempting distractions, such as a TV.

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      Create an area that is designed for relaxing and visiting with friends. This is where your teen can keep a TV or stereo, along with video game or his music collection. Again, emphasize storage so that your teen will have a place for everything. Otherwise, his possessions will wind up strewn all over the floor.

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      Designate an area for clothing and accessories. This should be next to the closet. Move her dresser so that it's near the closet. Make sure she has places for shoes and accessories. If she doesn't have enough drawer space, use decorative boxes, shelving or over-the-door storage compartments. Mount a full-length mirror on the wall, if she doesn't have one already. This placement will encourage her to return items to their hangers and drawers if she's changing outfits several times while she decides what to wear. Also put a laundry hamper for dirty dirty clothes nearby. This strategy will reduce the likelihood of clothing winding up on the floor.