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Tips on Writing User Manuals

Avoiding confusing jargon and concentrating on a clear, precise description of the technology you are describing allows you to create a straightforward, intuitive user manual regardless of the subject nature. Before writing the manual, prepare the content carefully, plan how you will develop it into instructional prose and judge the level of detail required. Always take care not to make the reader feel swamped by complex, overworked description.
  1. First Impressions

    • An ugly, heavy, brightly colored manual with lots of illustrations, jokes and unnecessary detail will put most readers off even opening it to the required page. As such, the cover, size and design of the manual, and the first few pages play an important role. Create a simple, informative cover and introduction and keep the general reader in mind at all times. An effective manual will have a well-written, easy-to-use contents page with an accurate list of relevant chapter headings, page numbers and subsections for quick and easy searching.

    Details of Design and Layout

    • Hard-copy user manuals with simple, spacious, black-and-white layouts are the easiest to read and digest. A manual should contain enough information to allow the reader to complete all the necessary tasks associated with the product or task in question (for example, instructions to work and repair a microwave), but it should not be so large and technically detailed that it becomes heavy and thus difficult to transport around the home. Strive to achieve the correct balance between design and content; don't fall into the trap of creating a beautifully designed manual with ill-conceived concepts and poor writing. The same principle goes for any diagrams and images: Keep them simple, clear, well-positioned on the page and relevant. PNG files have small, manageable file sizes, but remember to check the reproduced image for clarity and readability.

    Know Your Subject

    • We cannot all have used the same microwave, computer or pencil sharpener. Develop a clear understanding of how one or two models of the equipment work, then start to think about how best you can describe each component. Use standard terminology, and never make up names for the different components. Always treat potential readers as if they have knowledge of the item at some level but need extra help with the details; otherwise, you could risk alienating them by insulting their intelligence. Add as much detail as possible, but present it simply and in a friendly, helpful way.

    Color Coding

    • If you think you can add to the basic manual you have created, gently color-code certain facts and link them throughout the text. (Don't use fluorescent pink; stick to light, simple colors such as pastel greens and blues.) This linkage is a type of "indexing" and makes use of people's cognition and the psychology of reading. It allows them to develop a better understanding of the workings and functions of a piece of equipment rather than giving them a simplistic or "flat" landscape of thought.

    Different Styles of Prose

    • Develop and improve the effectiveness of your manual by experimenting with slightly different styles of writing. Break each section and subsection down into a short descriptive paragraph for the introduction, giving a basic description of the elements involved, and then add a step-by-step set of instructions after the first paragraph to tell the reader exactly how to complete a certain repair or function. This technique keeps the manual flowing and interesting while imparting the most knowledge in a short space of time. Even when trying advanced techniques for creating a user manual, always go back to the basics: Check your spelling, grammar, consistency, language and formatting on a regular basis.