Home Garden

Free Housekeeping Checklist

Cleaning house can be a miserable task for the entire family, but it must be done. To have each room cleaned regularly and thoroughly, create a housekeeping checklist for each room and assign specific tasks to family members with a required amount of time for task completion. Printable housekeeping checklists are available to use as a guide until you can customize the lists according to the specific tasks within your home.
  1. Home Ever After

    • Home Ever After offers free printable cleaning checklists for every room in the home. Since each house is different, not every chore on the list pertains to your home. This list is a good way to start and can be customized as you develop a cleaning routine of your own. Checklists make it possible to assign each member of your household a chore or room to clean, allowing them to assess the things that need to be done in each room before they are considered clean. To set up a system, laminate the checklists and use a dry-erase marker to assign tasks. Hang the checklist in each assigned room, either on the wall or on a clipboard, and have each person sign off after they complete the checklist.

    Keep and Share

    • Keep and Share offers free printable cleaning checklists for daily, weekly and monthly tasks. The site also offer checklists for cleaning associated with packing and moving. Tenant cleaning checklists are also available for renters. These checklists ensure everything is clean to your standards prior to the tenant vacating the property. This website also offers checklists for spring cleaning, studio apartment cleaning, office cleaning along with the regular daily, weekly and monthly cleaning lists. Since each home is different, use these lists as a guide while you develop your own personalized checklist.

    Painted Gold

    • Painted Gold is a group of moms who develop ways for other moms to care for their families and home. This group offers printable cleaning checklists using numbers, letters and color codes to categorize what needs to be done and by whom. If you assign specific tasks to family members, purchase the requires cleaning supplies to have on hand at all times, making the task easy to complete in a timely fashion. Choose rewards for each member of the family when they complete their personalized checklist. Any jobs not completed as assigned are placed on the top of the list for the following week.

    Speed Cleaning

    • Speed cleaning offers checklists with steps that are often skipped or forgotten as busy families clean. Maintaining and checking off a list as you go about the chores ensures everything is cleaned properly. Organize the cleaning tasks according to specific days or times. For example; if you have guests over for a cook-out on the patio every Friday evening, clean the patio every Friday morning to ensure it is ready for guests. Take a walk through your home room by room and write down each task that needs to be completed in each room. Assign these rooms to a specific day so your focus is on the checklist at hand, and you don't run around trying to clean three rooms at once.