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How to Decide What Clutter to Get Rid Of

Clutter is a confused multitude of unrelated objects that fill a space in a random and disorderly way. A collection of like objects can become clutter if it expands to a point where the collection cannot be maintained in a clean and organized way. Deciding what is clutter can seem difficult if an entire room or house is filled with stuff. By creating an organizing system it becomes possible to sort the clutter into necessary items and discardable items. This is a first step toward removing the clutter to improve health and reduce stress.

Things You'll Need

  • Boxes
  • Bags
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    • 1

      Decide which clutter-filled room or area causes you the strongest feelings of stress. Allocate yourself a period of time, such as three hours, where you can focus on the clutter in that space. Label two boxes. One is donate. One is save. Use two garbage bags, one for trash and one for uncertain.

    • 2

      Bring a bottle of water and find a location in the area where you can sit comfortably and easily reach the two boxes and bags. Remove the easily identifiable trash first. It is a good idea to have a second person nearby to haul off full trash bags if you have a lot of trash. Removing the trash from the area quickly will allow you to see immediate progress. This will help motivate you to continue.

    • 3

      Items that are broken should be discarded. If an item is valuable and broken, place it in the save box. Identify the difference between sentimental value and actual value. Items you no longer use, need or like that are in good condition should be donated. If you have an item that you haven't used in years, it is likely a good candidate for donation.

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      Place items in the uncertain bag if you can't determine if or when you might use an item or if you would find it hard to replace the item. Once the bag is full, take the bag to another location and sort it again. Often an item you held on to early in sorting will look different later. Place items you remain uncertain about in a cardboard box that is dated and labeled. Store the box with the label out in a garage or storage area. If you don't use the items in six months, it means you can probably donate or discard them.

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      Identify clutter before you bring it into your home. Items that have no function are usually clutter. Sort mail at the garbage can outside the house. Do not shop for trinkets and mementos, take a digital photo instead. Don't store objects that belong to other people. Don't receive and keep objects from family and friends. If someone gives you an object that you don't want or aren't using, pass it along to others who need the object.

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      Control shopping for one month to food and items that are used within the month. Reduce the clutter in the home to the point where you like the cleanliness and order of each room. When purchasing a new object, remove a similar object from the home on the same day. This will keep the home in the state you want. Repair broken items within 30 days or donate or discard them.