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How to Recycle Paper and Board

Paper and cardboard are two materials commonly processed through recycling plants. Once the paper and cardboard are broken down, they are usable once again as household items, construction supplies and, of course, more paper and cardboard. Not only is recycling a cost-effective way to deal with the growing amount of garbage humans create, but also a way to help improve the environment. Recycling your paper products ensures that more trees are planted and left to grow without being cut down for manufacturing purposes.

Things You'll Need

  • Papers
  • Boards
  • Marker
  • Bins or other large container
  • Lids
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      Separate your paper and boards into bins labeled high-grade, medium-grade and low-grade in marker. High-grade materials include printer paper, letterhead and construction paper, while medium-grade materials include newspapers, colored magazines and perforated printer paper. Low-grade materials include grey board, newspaper inserts and corrugated paper and board.

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      Place your papers and boards into the appropriate bins. Bins or other containers that have a lid are ideal as papers and boards should be kept dry. Soiled and wet papers or boards cannot be processed by recycling agencies and will be thrown out.

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      Place your papers and boards into clear, plastic bags once your bins become full. Make sure that there are no non-paper items that have made their way into the bins, such as aluminum cans, plastic jugs or wood.

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      Transport full bags to your local recycling center. Many centers have workers who will take your bins and empty them into the proper receptacles for easier drop off.