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Easy Things to Go Green & Organic

Saving the environment has become a hot topic today, with environmental advocates urging people to "go green." However, the idea of so many potential lifestyle changes can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there are small ways that you can do your part for the environment that do not require a complete lifestyle overhaul.
  1. Buy Organic

    • Going green in your grocery store is an easy way to do your part. Opting for produce, meats and dairy products that are free of pesticides and chemicals supports small scale farmers and helps make it profitable for them to operate. The sale of organically produced foods is an upward trend, and you can help to continue this trend, impacting the environment. It may add a few dollars to your grocery bill, but organic products provide benefits for your health and for the environment.

    Upgrade Appliances

    • Another easy way to go green is to upgrade your old appliances for the more efficient Energy Star qualified appliance. An Energy Star appliance will lower your utility bill by using less energy and save your money. Energy Star appliances also have improved quality, durability, and enhanced performance. In addition to appliances, you can find Energy Star approved homes, windows, heating and cooling systems.

    Plant a Tree

    • According to American Forests, trees provide many environmental benefits, and when strategically located, can greatly impact your air-conditioning bill. They also save tax dollars by reducing storm water runoff, clean our air and water, and protect the soil. They also sustain life by producing carbon dioxide, and they protect watersheds and provide a home for wildlife.

    Flip the Switch

    • Turning lights off when not in use is another very easy way to go green. A general rule of thumb is that if you are planning to be out of a room for more than 15 minutes, you should turn off the lights. It is as simple as forming a new habit and does not cost any money. If you would like to add to the effects of turning the lights off, consider replacing traditional florescent bulbs with energy-saving compact florescent bulbs.