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How to Organize With Clipboards

Clipboards are versatile devices, providing a space to store information and a hard surface on which to write, all in a compact, portable style. Using clipboards to assist in organization helps to create a more orderly environment where papers are easy to locate. There are a range of situations where clipboards are used as practical organizing tools.


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      Use clipboards to keep papers that need to go in chronological order organized. Each time you need to add a new piece of paper to the stack, simply put it on top and clip the stack back into place. The most recent paper will always be on top.

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      Place nails into a wall to hang a row of clipboards that contain important information. Label the tops of the clipboards so it's clear what type of information each one contains. This organizational tactic may be useful in classrooms or offices.

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      Hang a clipboard in your pantry or kitchen and each time you run out of an item, add it to a list attached to the device. Remove the organized grocery list and bring it to the store when necessary.

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      Use clipboards to organize family chores or tasks that you need to complete. Assign a clipboard to each family member with a check list. Hang the clipboards in a convenient location.