Home Garden

A Checklist for Organizing a Household

Organizing a household can be a real challenge because of the many tasks that it requires. Maintaining an orderly home and ensuring that your family is aware of the daily schedule alone can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there are several ways to make sure that your home remains clutter-free and that the members of your household do not forget appointments and activities. Following an organizational checklist is a good place to start.
  1. Create Household Calendar

    • To make sure that all members of your household are aware of appointments, school events and other social activities, purchase a large calendar with individual boxes for each day. Hang it in a central location where everyone can see it, such as the kitchen, and record all your family's upcoming activities, along with times and locations, on the calendar as soon as you become aware of them. Remind your family to check the calendar each morning so everyone is aware of what is planned that day or review the next day's appointments at dinner every night.

    Organize Important Information

    • Instead of having important information like your doctor's phone number or the address of your child's friend all written on different scraps of paper, maintain a notebook or binder where you can record any important information that you may need to keep on hand. Having all your important phone numbers, addresses, security codes and other information in one central location can save you time when you need to find something and will cut back on paper clutter on your refrigerator, counter and home office.

    Sort and Purge

    • Sort through the closets, drawers, shelves and other storage areas in your home on a regular basis to make sure that all items are where they should be. Place seasonal items out of the way in the attic, basement or garage so they do not take up space that could be utilized for items that are used more regularly. As you sort, purge items that are no longer necessary. Throw away any items that are damaged or broken. Set aside those that you may have duplicates of or that you no longer use. When it comes to clothing and shoes, a good rule of thumb is to purge any item that you or your family members have not worn in the past year. Pack up items that are still in good condition so you can donate them to a local charity or thrift store.

    Purchase Organization Tools

    • If you have trouble keeping your closets organized or your family routinely leaves items strewn about your home, purchase organization and storage tools that can help keep your home neat. Place a shoe rack near the entrance to your home so your family can store their shoes instead of leaving them on the floor in the living or family room. Install hooks where jackets, coats and bags can be hung. Place an organizer in your bedroom closet to provide effective storage for items that cannot be hung on the rod, such as hats, gloves, handbags, ties and belts. Make sure that there is a place in your home for all items so nothing is left out to cause a mess.

    Tidy Up Daily

    • Once your home is effectively organized, take steps to ensure that it stays that way. Make daily organizing and tidying up a family ritual. Have your kids put away their school books, toys and other items each night before they go to sleep. Place the day's newspaper in the trash or recycling bucket and sort through the mail to throw away any unnecessary items. Set aside bills that need to be paid in a folder or other receptacle where you will remember to pay them. Have your family members place their dirty clothes in a hamper or laundry basket instead of leaving them on the floor. When you do a load of laundry, put it away right away so it does not have time to build up.