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How to Get Organized for Women

For today's modern woman, life is hectic and chaotic. Whether you are a mother of two, have a busy career or both, getting organized and in control can seem like quite a difficult undertaking. However, with just a little bit of preparation and focus, organization doesn't have to be such a lofty goal.

Things You'll Need

  • Containers
  • Notepad
  • Pen or pencil
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      Declutter your life. From your home to your desk at work, clutter is the number one enemy of organization. Minimize your life by getting rid of things and putting them away. Get a handful of containers and put things you need in one, while putting things you wish to donate or throw away in the others. Think hard about what you really need and will use. Get rid of things that you haven't used in the past year and have no intention of using in the near future.

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      Plan out your time. Stop overbooking yourself. Many women take on more things than they have time for out of fear of saying "no" and letting others down. Be realistic when you make up your schedule and only plan what you can fit in. Do not be overly ambitious when scheduling yourself. Also, make sure to allow yourself some regular personal time to collect your thoughts, whether it's by reading or reflecting as you walk around the park.

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      Ask for help. Do not be afraid to ask for some assistance when it comes to organizing your life. For example, make cleaning your house a fun excuse for the family to spend time together every weekend. Not only will the family be able to enjoy some togetherness, the entire process will become significantly faster and easier with more hands involved.

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      Change your habits permanently. Many women tend to become extremely focused on change and organizing their lives, but only temporarily. It is vital to realize that organization is a permanent change. If you get excited about organization but it only lasts for a week or two, there was no point in doing it in the first place. Make a concerted effort to regularly organize your home, your career and your schedule.

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      Write things down. An effective way to remember things is by making them visual and jotting them down. Keep a notepad and pen or pencil right by your bed. If you wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat thinking about something that absolutely has to be attended to, write it down and think about it as soon as you wake up in the morning.

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      Utilize the Internet. One of the advantages of the modern age is having technology around to make life so much easier. One way to organize your life is by using the Internet to handle many mundane tasks, including shopping for groceries and paying utility bills. Not only will this help you to organize different tasks into one specific corner, but it will help you to decrease actual clutter in your life; get rid of paper statements and go for emailed statements instead.

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      Make lists. "To-do" lists are strong tools for organizing your brain. Instead of frantically trying to remember and juggle all of the tasks that you need to accomplish for the day, write out a concise and neat list of everything you can realistically achieve daily. After you finish one goal, cross it off your list.