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How to Organize Email Printouts

In modern society, email has become a vital method of both business and personal communication. While there are varied reasons that someone may opt to print his emails, accumulating a large collection of these printouts can quickly become overwhelming. Papers can clutter up a workspace making it seem chaotic and unorganized. However, employing some simple organizational tactics can help to keep your email printout collection in check.

Things You'll Need

  • File folders
  • File storage system
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      Sort your email printouts in a way that's logical to you and your needs. It may be by sender, by emails related to specific projects or by date sent. Make temporary labels for each pile and stack the printouts within these categories.

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      Organize the email stacks within each category by date, alphabetical order by sender or other method that works for you.

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      Make a file folder for each email stack category and clearly label the folder tab with the proper category name.

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      Arrange the files in alphabetical order and place them into a filing system. Filing cabinets work best for large volumes of paper where plastic file bins or mesh folder trays work for smaller numbers of folders.