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Simple Ways to Get Organized

It's easy to become disorganized when you are running around trying to get a million things done; you end up running low on clean clothes, losing your phone among desk papers and becoming overwhelmed with stuff everywhere. But there are some simple ways you can learn to become organized.
  1. Get Rid of Things You Don't Use

    • Before entering an organized routine, take a day to organize your home. People tend to keep boxes of stuff they "just might need" but have not used in years. Throw out or give away all of the things you haven't used in more than two years. You can always sell anything of value on craigslist or hold a garage sale. The best approach is to start in a corner of a room and make a decision to keep or toss every item you grab. Make no exceptions, because leaving anything for later will get you back in the same mess.

    Find a Place for Everything

    • Every item in your home must have a home of its own. For instance, a drawer makes a home to your pens, but the kitchen table does not. After your home organization day, make sure to put things back in their places right after using them. If your house has many rooms, try placing baskets in the most commonly used rooms for items you can't readily put back. At the end of each day, have family members take turns walking around the house placing these things back where they belong. This takes will on the family's part, so always remember that if you don't stick to a plan, you'll be back in the disorganized mess.

    Buy Storage Containers for Specific Items

    • Drawer dividers keep things neat and organized.

      Get storage boxes for specific items such as kids' toys, but don't use a storage box just for random items because that only creates a contained mess. For drawers, consider dividers that organize your items into different sections; there are many types you can use for school supplies, socks, cutlery and whatever else you store in your drawers. Arrange your shoes on a rack with a good ventilator.

    Say "No" to Paper Piles

    • People often leave mail or printed pages to look into later, causing piles of dusty paper to build around the house. Toss all junk mail as soon as you get your mail, and place a waste basket by your front door if that makes this habit easier. Keep printing to a minimum, and file important paperwork daily in a file box or file cabinet that you should keep easily accessible to make filing effortless.