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Going Green Ideas Like Recycling

Recycling is a well-known and valid way to go green. Several other ways are also available, to alter your practices and behavior to benefit the environment. Addressing energy, water, and air pollution issues all fall under the umbrella of living a green lifestyle. You do not have to make hundreds of drastic changes to help the earth; you can begin with small, almost non-intrusive actions which are effective and beneficial.
  1. Save Water in Your Home

    • Reducing water usage is one way to help the environment. An easier way to save water is to install low-flow shower heads in your home and shorten the time you spend in the shower. You can also make a conscious effort not to leave the water running when brushing your teeth. When doing chores, only run your washer and dish washer when they contain a full load. Outside the home, only water your lawn and garden in the cooler morning hours. By doing this, you reduce the amount of evaporation that occurs, thereby needing less water to maintain your greenery.


    • Several energy-efficient appliances are available which help to conserve energy. Refrigerators, washers and dryers are all sold in energy-efficient models which have a secondary benefit of lowering your heating and electricity bills. When buying these products, look for an"Energy Star" label. This sticker means the product meets strict energy-efficiency criteria set forth by the U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. You may even be eligible for a rebate from your state at tax time for purchasing Energy Star products.

    Saving Energy in Your Home

    • Switch your regular light bulbs to low energy light bulbs and remind your family to turn off lights when leaving a room. Unplug unused appliances and chargers when not in use, and power your computer all the way down at night.

    Going Green with Your Vehicle

    • Hybrid vehicles are a good way to be eco-friendly with your vehicle. Hybrid cars use conventional gas in conjunction with a battery which runs on electrical power. This kind of automobile cuts down on your usage of fossil fuels and reduces the amount of emissions your car gives off. If a hybrid is not in your immediate future, you can still take a green approach to your transportation by walking or riding a bile rather than driving short distances, and keeping up maintenance on your car to ensure it does not create excessive pollution.

    Reduce Trash Output

    • There are several ways to reduce the amount of trash you and your family produce. The use of canvas shopping bags, rather than plastic bags provided by grocery stores, is a good starting place. You can also invest in re-useable water bottles which you refill regularly rather than constantly purchasing plastic water bottles and throwing them away.