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How to Destroy Carbon Copy Paper

If you run a business in which you use carbon copy receipts for a manual credit card machine, then you eventually may want to destroy those receipts. Wait at least seven years, as this is the amount of time that the Internal Revenue Service has to audit you. Whichever of these three shredding methods you decide to use, make sure that all distinguishable information is destroyed.


    • 1

      Feed the carbon copy receipts through the shredder one receipt at a time.

    • 2

      Cut the carbon copy receipts into long, thin strips with a pair of scissors. This step is an alternative if you do not own a paper shredder. Cutting the receipts in long, thin strips mimics the work of a shredder.

    • 3

      Tear the carbon copy receipts into pieces. Start by tearing them in halves. Continue tearing halves into halves until only scraps of paper are remaining. This step is yet another alternative to using a paper shredder or cutting the receipts with scissors.