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How to Make a Poster With Clothes You Like

Educating yourself more about fashion is one way to open your awareness to all the possibilities of style and creating your own ensembles. While one way to do this is to read up on the various designs and study fashion magazines every day, you also could do this by creating a poster with images of clothes you like. You can hang this poster beside your closet so that each day you can use it for inspiration on what to wear and how to wear it.

Things You'll Need

  • Poster board
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Fashion magazines
  • Craft glue
  • Markers
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    • 1

      Cut your poster board to your desired dimensions. For example, most precut poster board comes in sizes 22 inches by 28 inches. However, you can get larger pieces and trim them down to larger sizes.

    • 2

      Divide your poster board into four equal sections by drawing a line right down the middle of the poster board and across it horizontally in the exact middle, using a pencil and ruler.

    • 3

      Label each of your four sections. For example, you could label them after the four seasons or after four different fashion styles you like such as classic, punk, goth and emo.

    • 4

      Flip through fashion magazines and find looks to fit each of your four categories. Cut them out, trimming around the neatly.

    • 5

      Experiment with arranging all your cutouts around the different sections. Once you're satisfied, glue each one in place. Go over all of your pencil lines and letters in marker.