Home Garden

How to Create a DVD List

There are several advantages to creating a DVD list. You can use the list to organize your DVD collection so that each title can be quickly retrieved. The list is good to have in the event of a home disaster in which you need a complete home inventory to make an insurance claim. You will need the list when filing a police report in a case where your DVD collection is stolen. It is important to keep the list up to date by adding new titles to the list when you purchase them.


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      Get a notepad, go through your entire DVD collection and jot down all of the DVD titles and their genres.

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      Open a database program on your computer. If you are running a Windows system open Microsoft Works Database. When you open the program it will ask you to create fields. Title the first field name "Titles." Create a second field name titled "Genre." You can create additional field names if you wish such as: wide-screen, full-screen or Blu-ray.

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      Type the title of your first DVD into the first field of the first row under "Titles." Type the genre of the DVD into the second field of the first row under "Genre." For the second DVD enter it into he second row under the correct field name. Enter titles and information into separate rows for each DVD until you have entered the whole collection. Save the database to your computer. If you have a flash drive or a CD-writable disc, save it there also and keep it in a safe.

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      Arrange the database records. At the top of the database program select "Record." A drop-down menu will appear; select "Sort Records." From this screen you can sort the DVDs in any way you want. To sort alphabetically select that option.

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      Print the List. After you have the DVDs sorted the way you like, select Print from the file menu at the top of the database program. The list will print in the way you selected. Use the list to organize your DVDs in a DVD organizer or on a shelf.