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How to Organize My Rack Desktop Organizer

Distributing your reference materials, file folders and papers in a rack desktop organizer will keep your current correspondence strategically arranged, saving you the time previously lost in searching for the correct piece of correspondence. As organizing consultant and author Barbara Hemphill observes "A paper-management system is a tool to help you accomplish what is important to you." Whether you need to keep control of incoming mail, pay credit cards on time, safeguard your children's permission slips, or organize your kitchen makeover project, a properly maintained rack desktop organizer can help you.

Things You'll Need

  • Rack desktop organizer
  • File folders in several colors
  • Folder labels
  • Pen
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    • 1

      Determine the number and size of the sections you will need for storing items in a rack desktop organizer. Decide how you want to use each section.

    • 2

      Purchase a rack desktop organizer that has the number of sections you need, if you do not already own one. Organizers of all kinds are readily available in nearly any brick and mortar or website store that sells office supplies. Purchase folder labels and multicolored file folders that will fit in your organizer.

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      Place the organizer, labels and folders on your desktop. Sort the papers into categories such as "children's school," "personal" and "business." Designate a color for the folders for each category.

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      Label the personal category folders with titles such as "repair contractors" and "holiday ideas." Label business folders with titles such as "business checking account" and "business credit card." Label children's school folders with titles such as "Justin's science fair instructions" and "Lily's artwork."

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      Place the sorted papers into the appropriately labeled folders. File the most recent papers in each category in the front of the folder.

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      Gather the reference materials you use frequently and place these in designated slots of your organizer. You may want to include a small dictionary and thesaurus as well as reference materials for current home, business and school projects.

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      Keep only current papers such as those for the past 30 days in the folders on your desktop. This will prevent them from growing out of control.