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How to Use a Bollen Towel Rack

Using a Bollen towel rack is an economical way to store your towels in a visible area in your bathroom. The intended purpose of a Bollen towel rack is to stack towels for bathing or hand washing. Folding a towel so it rests flat in a stackable position is not difficult. It will only take you a few minutes to learn a technique for folding and stacking towels onto your Bollen towel rack.


    • 1

      Place a towel front down on a clean surface such as a laundry table or countertop.

    • 2

      Fold the towel into thirds via its long edge. This means both long outer edges touch in the middle of the towel. Slide your forearm along the length of the towel to flatten it out and to remove air.

    • 3

      Fold the towel in half via its long edge. Slide your forearm along the length of the towel to flatten it out and to remove air.

    • 4

      Fold the towel in half so the ends touch and then fold it in the same manner a second time. Slide your forearm along the length of the towel to flatten it out and to remove air.

    • 5

      Stack the towel onto your Bollen towel rack.

    • 6

      Fold each additional towel in the same manner as the first and then stack each additional towel on top of the next. Place the front edge of each subsequent towel approximately ¼-inch behind the front edge of the preceding towel. This will create a slight pyramid and prevent the towels from becoming top heavy and falling forward on the Bollen towel rack.