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How to Tie a Cavendish Knot

A Cavendish knot is a type of necktie knot. It is sometimes called Windsor knot although it finishes as slightly symmetrical while a true Windsor knot is symmetric. In fact, the Cavendish knot is similar to the Four-in-hand knot and is really two successive ties of the Four-in-hand knot. The knot was named by Thomas Fink and Yong Mao, two physicists from Cambridge University who wrote the book "85 Ways To Tie A Tie." The Cavendish knot can be made with any kind of tie material and worn anywhere and by anyone.

Things You'll Need

  • Necktie
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    • 1

      Sling the tie across your neck with its wide side on your right and dropping a foot lower than its narrow side. Cross the wide end over the narrow end so that it is on the right side and the narrow end is on the left side.

    • 2

      Pass the wide end underneath the narrow end, returning it to the right but flipped over. Bring the wide end of the tie back over to the left side.

    • 3

      Thread the wide end from the left through the gap formed at the center by the arms of the tie just below your chin. Drop the wide end to the right then bring it underneath the forming knot over to the left.

    • 4

      Return the wide end to the right by passing it over and across the tie knot. Thread the end above the knot and through the gap formed by the arms of the tie. Hold the wide end close to your chin and throat.

    • 5

      Make a small hole in the forming knot. Pass the wide end down the hole. Raise the knot with one hand until it tightens on the hanging wide end of the tie while pulling the narrow end of the tie with the other hand. Stop pulling when the knot reaches the center of the collar.