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Electronic Checklist for Housekeeping Duties

When setting up a housekeeper with housekeeping duties or giving kids their chores for the day, you'll want to create a checklist. Housekeepers can't be expected to keep track of everything you tell them each morning. A checklist of chores referred to throughout the day reduces mistakes and the number of clarifying phone calls. Electronic checklists through the Internet or computer software save paper and time for all parties. They are editable, updatable and don't require paper.
  1. Online Checklist Sites

    • Online sites allow people to create as many checklists as they need for housekeeping chores and duties. The sites, such as Ta-da Lists, often allow users to create free accounts to keep track of lists and assign lists to other users. Ta-da lists allows users to share links to lists with other people via their email accounts. The users simply check their email, follow the link and check off the list as they complete it.

    Software for Mobile Devices

    • When creating a list to send to a housekeeper or relative, you'll need a site designed to work with mobile devices. These sites are just like regular websites, except pared down to fit on the screen of a handheld device. ToodleDo.com is set up for mobile device support; it sends out emails, reminders and even works with instant messaging. This is convenient and useful for those who don't want to be tied to a computer when completing household chores and duties. This site and other similar sites offer a free and paid version of their services.

    Downloadable Software

    • Online websites are a good option, but they require the user to login to the Internet. A downloadable program, like My Checklist, allows users to open the checklist at anytime, whether on the Internet or not. These programs don't usually take up a lot of hard drive space and many are free to use. The free versions are pared down checklists with few bells and whistles like alarms or goals. They are low cost, user-friendly and environmentally-friendly.

    Printable Checklists

    • People who do like to keep a paper copy of their to-do lists will prefer software and sites with printable checklists. Go into the program or website, such as PrintableChecklist.org, and type out the housekeeping duties for the day. When finished typing up the chores, print out the list. You can print multiple copies of the list, one for yourself and a couple for your housekeeper to use. The only downside to these lists is the need to use a new checklist daily.