Home Garden

How to Help With Poor Organization

Although many people would like to become more organized, they may procrastinate because they do not know where to begin. While conquering stacks of paperwork, crammed drawers and cluttered work surfaces can become overwhelming, breaking tasks into steps and having the right supplies makes it possible to create order out of chaos. When trying to become organized, there are a few strategies that can simplify the process.


  1. Help Wanted

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      Avoid attempting to organize by yourself. Ask someone who is good at organizing to help, as they can push you to toss items away and prevent boredom during the process.

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      Use baskets, decorative bowls, and peg organizers to store items used every day, such as keys, cell phones and power adapters, reading glasses and pet collars. Place items near the door where they are readily accessible and less likely to be forgotten or misplaced.

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      Store kitchen items together that belong together, such as lids and pots, or tops of Tupperware containers together in open baskets or in clear containers. Doing so reduces the time spent having to search for necessary supplies. Use drawer dividers to separate eating, serving and cooking utensils.

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      Put office paperwork into a file tray or box. Store office supplies in a cart that can be tucked under a desk. Mount peg boards for notes and bookshelves for reference books when space is limited.

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      Collect pens, highlighters and pencils in cups, jars or baskets. Place these where they may be needed, like near a phone, on a desk or in the kitchen. If using a briefcase or bag, store writing utensils in a pencil holder or freezer bag.

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      Purchase sturdy boxes and containers with lids to store items long term. Always label before putting anything into storage. List a few of the contents on the label to remind you what's in the boxes.