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How to Get Rid of Emotional Possessions

The habit of accumulating clutter is often the result of a combination of disorganization, perfectionism and sentimentality. A refusal to accept that things have changed, lack of insight about efficiency and a misguided belief in "all or nothing" solutions ties clutterers to their mess. If you are a clutterer who wants to move on from possessions to which you still feel emotionally attached, your best bet is to acclimate your emotions, prepare a ritual and say your goodbyes.


    • 1

      Stand in the place where the mess is to be found. For many clutterers, keeping the mess out of sight means that even getting near it presents an emotional barrier. The solution is to expose yourself to the mess in such a way that you feel its full impact. Refrain from judging yourself or making plans during this part of the process, rather, try to simply absorb both the positive and negative aspects of the experience.

    • 2

      Begin to sort the mess into three boxes, with labels such as, "This Makes Me Feel Good: I Definitely Want to Keep It," "I Hate This And Want to Get Rid of It" and "I Don't Know How I Feel About This." Use positive, reassuring self-talk to note your progress, telling yourself that it is acceptable to do one thing at a time. Space the project out over several days, if needed, to moderate your tendency towards "all or nothing" perfectionism.

    • 3

      Take the objects from the box of keepers and display them in a way that is worthy of their significance. Frame any photographs or create an album. Redecorate any additional space you have gained from controlling the mess. Make plans to invite friends over to enjoy the reclaimed space.

    • 4

      Say goodbye to the objects in the box labeled rejects. Acknowledge that these objects are a part of your life that is now over. Destroy the objects in a way that brings closure. This may mean simply discarding them or it could involve something creative, such as hosting a barbecue for old letters.