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How to Make Wardrobes

Sometimes, you might take a look inside your closet and not be satisfied with anything you see. If your clothes have become worn, outdated or just don't fit your body type anymore, it might be time to make yourself a whole new wardrobe. When making a new wardrobe, it's important to focus on articles of clothing that fit with your lifestyle and that you will actually continue to wear.


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      Consider the types of clothing that you need for your lifestyle. For example, if you work in a office 5 days a week, your wardrobe will need to have plenty of business casual or formal options, depending on the atmosphere of the office.

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      Use colors to create a wardrobe that is versatile. Choosing colors that go together for your different types of clothing makes putting together outfits easier. For example, opt for all black and gray workout pants so you don't have to think about what outfit you need to put together to go to the gym.

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      Accessorize your wardrobe by adding purses and jewelry for women, and ties and handkerchiefs for men. You will also likely need belts, both brown and black, for your wardrobe.

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      Be true to your personality by avoiding items that you don't wish to wear. If you hate high heels, for example, don't feel like you have to incorporate them into your wardrobe. Low heels and flats can work just as well with business attire or when going out with your friends.

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      Avoid buying too many of one particular clothing item. You don't need five blue sweaters or three black dresses in your closet. Signature pieces are ideal to have, but once you have them, don't get tempted to buy more. Before you purchase an article of clothing, ask yourself if you really need it and if you already have something similar in your closet.