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How to Easily Organize Children's Toys

If your child has more toys than you know what to do with, chances are they are beginning to take over your house. Calm clutter and train your child to be clean and orderly by helping him to organize his playthings.


    • 1

      Explain to your child why you need to organize the toys. Involving your child in the process will shorten the time it takes to get things organized and will help keep them that way.

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      Move all toys to a separate room or area so you can see the space you have to work with.

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      Group all toys and belongings by type (i.e. games, plastic toys, trains, Legos, etc.).

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      Place all toys in containers before putting them in the toy room. Store smaller toys in shoe boxes or plastic containers. Place Legos, blocks and cars in larger, plastic-lidded boxes. For stuffed animals, open-top cardboard boxes are best.

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      Move everything into the toy room, organizing from top to bottom according to your child's height. Place the most frequently used toys on lower shelves or on the floor. Place less frequently used belongings at higher levels or even display them on top shelves.

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      Purchase special shelving to hold magazines, comic books, picture books, video games and CDs. If you make it easier for your child to put things away, the toys will stay organized longer.

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      Label everything. Use a computer printer to print simple labels that will be easily understood. For younger children, include a picture on each label. For children of reading age, use large-type labels that can be easily read from the floor.