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How to Map Out a Moving Plan

A moving plan helps ensure you do not forget something and eases the stress of moving. Knowing step-by-step what needs to be done will help keep your family organized and ensure everything is done in time for the moving truck to arrive. Keep your moving plan in a place where everyone in the family can see it and refer to it when needed.

Things You'll Need

  • Moving boxes
  • Tape
  • Markers
  • Notebook
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    • 1

      Create a moving notebook. In this notebook, keep track of everything that needs to be done and moving lists. Draw a map of your home and make a list associated with each room detailing what needs to be done in that room before moving.

    • 2

      Create a time line. Write down your moving date in your notebook and how many days are left until the moving truck arrives. Write down times when you can work on packing and organizing and determine deadlines for each item to be completed.

    • 3

      Make a list of everything to pack. Divide the house into sections based on importance and frequency of use. For example, things you use daily, such as dishes, some clothes and bathroom accessories, will be of a higher importance and packed last. Items, such as paintings, books and knickknacks, are of a lower importance and will be the first items packed.

    • 4

      Designate a place to store packed boxes. Find a room in your home that is not used on a daily basis, such as a guest room or office. Let everyone know that when they are done packing a box it should do in this room.

    • 5

      Make all changes of addresses. Write down everywhere you need to change your address including the post office, doctors and credit cards. Contact the utility and cable companies to arrange for new service to be set up and your current service to be disconnected.

    • 6

      Set up your yard for loading the truck. Bring the boxes out of the house and set up on your front yard by room. To make unpacking the truck easier, try to load the boxes and furniture by rooms.

    • 7

      Draw a map of your new home. Create a map of your new home where you can write down what needs to be done before loading the truck. Write down what furniture and boxes will be placed in those rooms when the truck arrives.