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Importance of Teamwork in the Kitchen

Whether cleaning, organizing or eating dinner, teamwork is important to making everything in the kitchen go smoothly. If one person does everything, the job can become tedious. With cooperation and working in harmony with those available to help in the household, you will achieve efficiency and save time.
  1. Dishes

    • When washing and drying the dishes in the kitchen, the job is completed more efficiently if done as a team. After dinner, one member of the team or family can empty the excess food on the dishes into the trash and hand them to the next person. When that person receives a dish, he washes it and hands it to the next person to dry. The person drying the dishes then puts each in the cupboard or cabinets. The person that started the process by emptying the excess food can take the trash out while the others wash and dry the silverware used at dinner.

    Cleaning and Organizing the Refrigerator

    • Refrigerators can be cleaned and organized easier when teamwork is utilized. The first person hands the contents of the fridge to the second person to organize in groups on the table. The groups may include bottles, cans, desserts and fruits. He then hands the removable drawers and shelves to a third person to wash, wipe down and dry. Once the shelves and drawers have been reinstalled, two of the team members hand the food to the other person to put back in the refrigerator neatly and organized.

    Preparing Dinner

    • When preparing dinner, teamwork makes the process move along more smoothly. One person can make a salad or prepare an appetizer, while a second prepares the main course in the oven. A third person can help by preparing the beverages that will be served with dinner, and setting the table with such things as dishes, utensils and place mats. When the food is ready, each person can serve their part of the dinner created to the others.

    Cleaning the Kitchen Surfaces

    • Cleaning the surfaces in a kitchen is better achieved with teamwork. One person can wipe down the counters and ceiling fan, while another removes any dust from the cabinets, drawers and cupboards. A third person can help by cleaning the surface of the oven, dishwasher and refrigerator doors. One person can fill the mop bucket with water and a cleaning agent, while another sweeps any debris from the kitchen floor to prepare for mopping. The third person can mop the floor, while the other two follow him drying it with clean rags.