Home Garden

How to Go in an Attic Crawl Space

An attic crawl space can provide useful storage room for seldom-used items, such as your seasonal Christmas decorations or your long-outdated clothing with which you can’t bear to part. The biggest challenge you will have to face when attempting to put this space to use is getting into and out of the space. To ensure your voyage to the attic crawl space doesn’t result in injury, venture carefully into the storage area.

Things You'll Need

  • Ladder (optional)
  • Screwdriver (optional)
  • Dropcloth
  • Knee pads
  • Utility gloves
  • Flashlight
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      Locate and remove your access panel. Depending upon your attic, this panel may be in the main body of the attic or in the ceiling of a top-floor room. If your access panel is well above your head, use a ladder to reach it. Often these access panels have handles that you can simply pull to remove or open them, but some are screwed into place. If your access panel is held in place with screws, obtain the appropriate screwdriver and remove the screws to take off the panel and gain access. Before removing the panel, lay down a dropcloth, as copious dust will likely pour out of the opening.

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      Slip on knee pads and thick utility gloves for comfort. Particularly if your crawl space has only wooden beams as a base, these gloves and knee pads will likely prevent you from getting bruises and splinters as you move through the space.

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      Shine light into the space and inspect it carefully to ensure that there are no hazards. Look specifically for any nails that extend up out of the wood base of the crawl space or signs that animals have made the crawl space their home. If you locate any nails of this type, make removing them your first priority upon entering the space. If you find an animal intruder, call a pest control company or trap the animal yourself before you proceed.

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      Position a flashlight to illuminate the space. Set this flashlight near the entrance with the beam pointing into the space. If it doesn’t want to stay put, use duct tape to tape it into place so it doesn’t fall and leave you in the dark.

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      Crawl carefully into the space. Don’t rush as you make your initial entry as you could still run into unseen hazards. Climb as high as you safely can on your ladder and use your arms to help hoist yourself into the space if it is above your head. If your crawlspace features a wooden floor, you can step anywhere you wish. If, however, the crawlspace features beams with unprotected drywall between, take care to step only on the beams; if you step on the drywall between them you will likely go right through and probably create a whole new home-improvement project for yourself.