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The Top Ways to Makeover a Bedroom Closest

If your bedroom closet has turned into the place where outfits go to die, maybe it's time for a makeover. Poor organization, crowding, bad lighting and no space make it difficult to find what you need or store what you have. A closet makeover doesn't have to be expensive to be effective. Start by taking everything out of your closet, then get to work turning your closet into a space that works for you.
  1. De-clutter

    • You may think your closet is too small, but maybe the problem is too much stuff. Purging your closet of clothing that is outdated, no longer fits or that you simply don't wear can free up room for other clothing and help you see the clothes you wear most often. You may discover clothing you'd forgotten about in all the clutter. Another way to deal with clutter is to rearrange how items are stored in your closet. Instead of a single long rod on which to hang your clothes, you can install two rods, one above the over. Hang tops, dresses and coats on the top rod and pants on the bottom.

    Create Storage

    • Consider whether you're storing things in your closet that would be better off elsewhere. Moving your luggage out of the closet and tucking it under the bed or in the basement will free up more room for clothing. Look at how you store non-hanging items in your closet. A shoe rack could keep shoes better organized. Shelves or a small chest of drawers makes sweaters and other folded garments easier to find. Purchase special hangers for ties and scarves and hanging bins for purses. Mount a piece of pegboard at the back of the closet and hang up belts and necklaces.

    Brighten the Decor

    • Your closet should be bright and welcoming. Good lighting enables you to see your belongings clearly. Improving the lighting in your closet could be as simple as switching to a higher wattage light bulb. You can also purchase battery operated lights to illuminate dark corners of the closet. Paint the walls a light, bright color, such as stark white or pale yellow or pink.

    Other Considerations

    • Hooks on the closet door can hold bathrobes or pajamas. A full-length mirror on the closet door is handy for checking your outfits. Keep a laundry basket or hamper in the closet along with a mending basket. As soon as you notice a missing button or a torn hem, drop the garment in this basket. Every few weeks, go through the basket and make repairs.