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Organizational Ideas for a Shared Small Bedroom of 2 Boys

Having one young boy in a small bedroom can be bad enough as far as the mess factor, but if you have two boys in a small space, the entire dynamic is different. With twice the toys, clothes and bedding in one area, an incomprehensible pile-up of things on the floor and in the closet is inevitable. Making the most of the limited space available is essential for both sanitary and sanity reasons.
  1. Sleeping Arrangements

    • Save space with bunkbeds leaving more room for playing.

      Beds tend to take up the majority of the space in bedrooms, especially small ones. Though this is fine for adults, it’s a completely different story for kids who tend to spend more time in their rooms than adults do. Bunk beds help to cut back on the amount of space that is taken up, freeing up more space for other things. If bunk beds aren’t an option, arrange the beds in a manner that gives each boy his own space such as one bed against each side wall.

    Closet Space

    • Divide the closet evenly so there is no confusion.

      With two boys and one closet, things can become cluttered quickly. Divide the closet into two halves, one for each boy to hang his clothes. Divide the bar that the clothes hang on by tying a scarf in the middle so each boy knows where his space begins. Use colored boxes at the bottom of the closet rather than trying to divide floor space. Within the boxes they can keep shoes, toys and other personal items.

    Color Coordinating

    • Using colors helps to make things easily identifiable for each child.

      If everything in the room is the same color or along the same color scheme, it can appear that everything is shared. Allow each boy to pick his favorite color and use that color to create definition within the small space. From bedding to colored bins, it helps to create separation. Create zones by painting the walls to reflect designated areas to divide space.

    Keep it Clean

    • Establish rules that are easy to follow so the room stays clean.

      Hidden in toy chests, under beds and in drawers are generally an abundance of things that your kids outgrew or lost interest in, taking up precious space. You'll need to discover and discard these items. Take a day to go through the boys' things with them; your boys are an important part of the process. Show them where things go as you sort them into the respective designated colored bins and drawers. Once the room is clean and organized, maintaining it is a lot less work. Establish a time each evening to put things back where they go to keep the room clean.