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How to Make an Anti-Static Work Desk

For many, static electricity is an annoyance that causes their hair to stand on end or results in an annoying shock when touching a doorknob. But static shocks pose a more severe danger to electronics, particularly your computer. You can purchase products, including anti-static wristbands, that help protect your work desk’s objects from static electricity, but these aren’t always convenient. So try several inexpensive methods to protect your work desk, and computer, from static electricity.

Things You'll Need

  • Fabric softener sheets
  • Anti-static spray
  • Humidifier
  • Metal object
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      Rub the desk with a fabric softener sheet at least once a day. The principle is the same as placing the sheets in your dryer to eliminate static cling from clothing. Keep a box of sheets next to the work desk to keep it static-free and smelling sweet.

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      Cover the work desk with anti-static spray at least two to three times a week. The spray eliminates the static electricity from the space, protecting you and your computer from potential shocks.

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      Install a humidifier in the space. The added humidity helps cut down the amount of static electricity that is transmitted from your body to the metal desk. Do not set up the humidifier next to the desk to prevent damage to your electronics.

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      Remove any potential static electricity starters from your desk. Ditch the rolling chair for a stationary model and remove any extraneous objects, including picture frames or pencil holders.

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      Store a metal object near the desk. Each time you approach the work desk touch the metal object, such as a decorative statute or unused key, to discharge the static electricity. This helps protect your computer from potential harm.