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How do I Make Sure Bedbugs Don't Come Back?

Bedbugs are oval-shaped, parasitic insects which reach a length of approximately 1/4 inch when fully grown. These tan or brown bugs feed off warm-blooded creatures, and thrive in mattresses and boxsprings, where people lay sedentary for hours at a time.

Bed bug bites resemble bites from mosquitoes and fleas. Over a period of weeks, the bug saliva produced from repeated bites can lead to allergic reactions, necessitating treatment with antihistamines and corticosteroids.

If you've managed to recently exterminate a bed bug infestation in your home, there are proven ways to make sure that a return infestation doesn't occur.

Things You'll Need

  • Vacuum cleaner with hose attachment
  • Stiff cleaning brush
  • Disinfectant spray
  • Mineral oil
  • Protective mattress and boxspring encasements
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      Inspect your mattress, box spring, bed frame and pillows for bedbug eggs. These are tiny black specks which resemble poppy seeds. Dismantling the bed frame for a thorough inspection will be necessary. Depending on the severity of the recent infestation, other furniture in the room, such as chairs or clothes drawers, may need to be closely examined as well. In particular, examining the crevices of the furniture with a flashlight may turn up previously hidden eggs or hatchlings.

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      Vacuum all bedbugs and eggs from your mattress and boxspring, and from furniture crevices. Use a stiff brush and disinfectant spray to scrub previously infested areas clean, and apply a small amount of mineral oil to these areas to act as a bedbug deterrent.

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      Encase your mattress and box spring in a special mattress bag, designed to make bedbug infestation difficult, if not impossible. There are companies which manufacture covers and encasements designed specifically to protect mattresses and boxsprings from infestation.

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      Seal and fill cracks near baseboards, and holes where wires and pipes enter through the wall or floor. This helps to reduce points of entry and exit for bedbugs.

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      Wear pajamas to bed. Covering up exposed body areas with a pajama top and bottom decreases the possibility of bedbug bites.