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How to Protect Furniture From Cat Spray

The best way to protect furniture from cat spraying is to find the reason for the cat's behavior and take corrective action. Cats that spray on furniture do so for a number of reasons. Urine marking can be territorial in a multiple-cat household or as a reaction to other cats in the area. It may be caused by the location or condition of the cat's litter box. It may also be caused by illness or nervousness in some cats. In addition, cats that have not been neutered are more likely to spray vertical surfaces like furniture than those that have been neutered.

Things You'll Need

  • Pet urine stain remover
  • Cat repellent spray
  • Cat pheromone spray
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      Clean the furniture with a cleaner that will eliminate both the stain and smell. These cleaners can be found in pet supply stores. Cats tend to return to the same spot to urinate, so removing all traces of the smell will help to deter them.

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      Spray cat repellent spray on or near the furniture. Most cats do not like strong smells. Cat repellent sprays contain citrus scent or other scents that cats find offensive.

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      Neuter or spay your cat. Unneutered male cats often spray as a way to mark their territory. Female cats who have not been spayed sometimes spray to attract males for mating. Some cats will continue to spray after neutering, but most will stop soon after the procedure.

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      Relocate the litter box. If the litter box is in a high-traffic area, a noisy area, or in an area where the cat does not feel safe, he may not use it. If you have multiple cats, you may need several litter boxes. Scoop the litter box as often as needed.

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      Block your cat's view to the street with curtains or blinds if he is reacting to cats or dogs in the area. If your cat is feeling threatened, she may spray as a warning to other animals.

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      Play with your cat, buy him some new toys or spend more time with him. A happy cat is likely to be calmer and feel less stressed, which can lead to less urine marking.

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      Use a pet pheromone spray or diffuser. Pheromones are the hormones that cats deposit through their glands when they rub against their owner or objects in the home. Some cats spray because of stress from moving to a new home, conflict with other cats or a change in the household routine. Feliway is a synthetic pheromone spray that has a calming effect on some cats under stress.

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      Schedule a visit with your veterinarian. Some cats spray because of an underlying illness. Your cat may require medication, or the vet may provide suggestions on behavior modification.