Home Garden

Beeswax & Turpentine Conditioner

Since ancient times, beeswax has been used as a finish. In medieval Europe it was commonly made into a polish with turpentine. You can make the same polish by shredding beeswax into turpentine and warming gently.
  1. Ingredients

    • Use real wood turpentine for best results, not turpentine substitute. Shred 2 oz. of beeswax into ½ pt. of turpentine. The mixture needs to be warmed gently to mix it; a dish over a pot of hot water is ideal. Do not cover. Add a little essential fragrance oil to the mix once it starts to cool, if you wish. Apply the polish with a soft cloth.


    • Beeswax conditioner protects wood and brings out the grain. Moreover, beeswax is a natural waterproofing agent, and so resists rings from wet glasses. A benefit of making your own conditioner is that you know exactly what it contains; you can avoid ingredients to which you are allergic or simply don't like.


    • Apply this conditioner when it is slightly warm, to ensure the greatest penetration into the wood. Do not let a home mixture simmer or boil, and do not use a microwave, as turpentine is highly flammable.