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How to Keep Air in an Air Mattress

Many air mattresses are constructed of polyvinyl chloride, a thick plastic that's joined at seams to create an inflatable mattress. While air mattresses are made to withstand a certain amount of wear and tear, certain actions can cause the air to escape. Once the air starts leaking from the mattress, it can change from a comfortable resting spot to a sagging nuisance. Fortunately, you can prevent many of the causes of air leaks and keep air in the air mattress so you can use it without having to take time to make frustrating repairs.


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      Inflate the mattress only to 90 percent of its capacity the first time you use it to allow the plastic to expand without stressing it. Deflate the mattress after three or four hours and then inflate it again to approximately 90 percent capacity. Deflate after three or four more hours and then fill to capacity. Be careful not to over-inflate the mattress, because it can stretch the seams and result in leaks.

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      Check for leaks. Lie down on the mattress in a quiet room and listen for any sounds of air leaking, such as a hissing noise. Check the valve first to make sure it's closed properly. Ask someone to help you identify where the sound is coming from if you still hear air escaping after you've made sure the valve is in place. Put a soap and water solution in a spray bottle and spray the seams of the mattress to find leaks. Watch for bubbling where you spray the soapy solution, and you'll find the leak. Repair with a patch from a repair kit.

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      Tell your children not to jump up and down on the mattress or poke it with sharp objects, including pens. Keep animals off of the mattress--especially cats--to avoid punctures.

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      Adhere to the weight limits that are listed for the particular air mattress you have. If you overload the mattress, it's more likely to result in a leak.