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Are Rayon Couches Easy to Clean?

In an ideal world, washing couch fabric would involve little more than soap and water and some scrubbing. However, with the different types of engineered fabrics and upholstery that now cover modern couches, it seems that no two pieces can be cleaned the same way. Rayon is a touchy fabric to wash, since it frays and tears very easily when wet. Cleaning must be done very carefully.
  1. Cleaning Products

    • As a fabric, rayon is extremely alkaline, meaning that acidic products easily damage its surface. For this reason, you must use alkaline or non-acidic soaps to clean your rayon couch. In many cases, the soaps you use to wash your hands or your dishes are appropriate for also cleaning rayon. If you want to use laundry soap, choose any all-purpose soap or even an extra-strength product, as long as it does not contain acidic ingredients. Consult the product's label for details; if the label indicates a pH or acidity level, it should be at level seven or higher to be safe for rayon.

    Cleaning Methods

    • You'll have to hand-wash your rayon couch. Remove the couch cushions; if possible, take the rayon covers off the cushions and wash them separately. Fill a bucket with cool or room-temperature water and mix in your chosen soap. Apply the soap and water mixture to the stained area with a soft sponge or soft bristle brush. The best tools for cleaning rayon are your own two hands, used to gently massage the soap and water into the fabric. Do not squeeze, pull or wrinkle the fabric; simply work the soap and water into it and smooth it back out. Rinse the fabric with clean, cool water to remove all suds and soap residue. Clean the cushion covers in a tub or sink using the same methods.


    • Rayon fabric shrinks easily--never use heat to dry it. Instead, allow the couch to air-dry. Hang slipcovers or cushion covers out to dry in the fresh air, but out of direct sunlight. Use only plastic or wood hangers; metal hangers can leave stains on the rayon. To quicken the drying process, consider turning box fans on the couch to blow cool air in its direction.


    • Read your manufacturer's instructions regarding cleaning. Some manufacturers may provide or recommend certain methods or soaps for their products. Never use hot water or hot air on a rayon surface, as it may shrink. Rayon is extremely fragile when wet, so keep children and pets away while washing and never pull, tug, wrinkle or squeeze the wet fabric. That's a sure way to permanently warp or damage the surface.