Home Garden

Do's & Don'ts for Air Mattresses

Air mattresses can be a real benefit when it comes to accommodating guests in your home. These mattresses can also be a lifesaver if you are looking for a comfortable night's rest on an outdoor camping trip because they keep you off the ground. Depending on the quality of the construction, air mattresses can range in price. To get the most out of your investment, keep some usage and storage guidelines for your air mattress in mind.
  1. Do: Inflate the Mattress for as Long as Possible

    • Constantly deflating and reinflating your air mattress puts unnecessary tension on the seams. If you are blowing up the mattress for a houseguest who is staying for several days, for example, leave the mattress inflated over the course of the stay instead of inflating and deflating it daily.

    Do: Let the Mattress Deflate Fully Before Storing

    • Air mattresses are inflated within minutes with the use of battery-operated or electronic pumps, but they can take much longer to fully deflate. It may be tempting to unplug the air valve and push the air out of the mattress before storing by rolling it. However, this can be potentially damaging to the mattress. Pushing the air out stretches the seams and could cause the seals to burst. Unplug the valve and allow the mattress to deflate before packaging for storage. If your mattress features a speedy deflation setting, let the air escape before storing. Listen near the valve; if there is a faint hissing sound, the mattress is still deflating.

    Don't: Allow Pets on Air Mattress

    • Even if your family pets are used to sleeping on beds or resting on furniture, they should be kept away from air mattresses. Any animal with sharp claws can puncture holes in the air mattress that are difficult to repair. Animals also have the tendency to push off of furniture, which can stress the seams of the mattress.

    Don't: Overfill the Air Mattress

    • If air mattresses are filled to maximum capacity, they experience excess stress on the seams. It is recommended that your air mattress only be blown to about 90 percent capacity, especially the first time it is used. Each time you overfill the mattress, the mattress becomes more likely to rupture.

    Don't: Expose the Mattress to Sharp Objects

    • It can be difficult to repair holes in your air mattress. Even duct tape and vinyl patch kits are temporary at best, so it is likely the air mattress will have to be replaced altogether. Keep the mattress away from items such as pencils, safety pins, needles, paper clips or any item with a blade that can ruin the mattress. When lying on the mattress, it is best to empty your pockets of any items that could cause damage.