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How to Protect an Old Particle Wood Table

Particle wood is made from compressed waste wood dust and shavings held together with resin and covered with finish or veneer. Although particle wood tables are budget items, they can last as long as quality wood pieces. An old particle wood table has been the beneficiary of quality care for most of its life. To keep your table around even longer, you must give it the same protection and consideration.

Things You'll Need

  • Rag
  • Wood cleaner
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      Keep water off the particle wood. If water penetrates the particle wood's finish, portions of the compressed chips and dust will swell irreversibly. Mop up spills as soon as you spot them.

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      Place dishes and glasses on place mats and padded coasters. Cover the feet of objects with felt pads, and place hot dishes on trivets. Hot or hard objects can damage the particle wood's coating and leave the particle wood exposed and vulnerable to moisture penetration.

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      Keep particle wood tables out of direct sunlight. It will fade the surface of the table over time.

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      Dust the surface regularly with a dry cloth. Dust frequently used tables daily and infrequently used tables whenever you spot dust.

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      Clean stubborn dust and residue with a commercial wood cleaner. Apply the cleaner to a clean cloth sparingly. Wipe the area dry once the table is clean.