Home Garden

Removal of Musty Odor in Wicker Furniture

Wicker furniture adds a natural and classic note to home decors. It can be used both indoors and outdoors to provide a relaxed feel to living areas, with easy maintenance and a high degree of comfort. Wicker can develop a musty odor when stored in indoor areas over the winter, however. Odor removal should be done carefully to avoid damaging the delicate weave of the materials.
  1. Outdoor Wicker Furniture

    • Wicker furniture is often used outdoors for its casual look and comfortable seating. However, wicker is a delicate material that can be damaged by exposure to moisture. In addition, leaving wicker outdoors in wet weather can lead to the growth of mold and mildew in the tight weaves of the material. This mold growth can lead to staining of the wicker as well as musty odors.

    Antique Wicker Furniture

    • Your wonderful find of an antique wicker furniture piece can be ruined by the strong musty odor it has developed by being kept in storage in basements, garages or warehouses. This odor can remain even after repeated washings. To remove mildew odors in wicker, you will need a stronger remedy.

    Cleaning Wicker Furniture

    • For routine cleaning of wicker furniture, use the brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner to remove dirt and debris from the crevices of the woven material. You can wash the wicker with a mild soap and water solution or take it outdoors and spray it with the hose. Wicker must be dried thoroughly before bringing it indoors where it may be subject to humidity.

    Mold and Mildew Removal

    • A solution with equal amounts of household chlorine bleach and water will help to remove lingering musty odors in wicker furniture. The solution should be wiped on sparingly and allowed to set for a few minutes. Then, rinse the solution from the furniture carefully and allow it to dry completely. Treat small spots of stubborn mold with a cotton swab dipped in full-strength bleach. Many people also use a mild solution of ammonia in water to remove mildew odors. The ammonia odor will dissipate as the wicker dries. But never mix ammonia and bleach. It will create a toxic fume.

    Protecting Wicker Furniture

    • To prevent mold and mildew from regrowing on wicker surfaces, use a dehumidifier in your house to remove excess moisture from the air. Bring wicker furniture indoors in wet weather. Wiping the surface of the wicker with orange oil will help to nourish the material while giving the piece a fresh, citrus smell. Older wicker pieces can be restained and revarnished to protect them against dirt and grease.