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The Application of Orange Oil to Wood

Orange oil is a fragrant substance used for several cleaning purposes. Orange oil applied to wood furniture will give the piece a high shine and a smooth surface that repels dirt and debris. Before applying the oil, make sure you know the proper method and have the tools necessary to finish the job.
  1. Prep

    • To prepare the wood for the orange oil, first make sure it is free of dirt or debris, which may show through the oil. Dust down the piece with a dust rag or use a gentle spray cleaner to wipe down the wood. Make sure to apply the oil quickly after cleaning, so new dust can't collect.


    • The tools you may use to apply the orange oil can vary depending on what you have on hand. Old rags are ideal if you're covering a large space, as you can wipe the rag in long strokes against the wood. A paper towel will also work in a pinch. For small areas, you can even rub the oil in with your fingers.


    • Apply the oil to the wood using long, even strokes, so you don't create streaks. Make sure to apply an even, thin layer of oil to the entire piece to prevent over-oiling, which may result in a greasy look. Add extra oil to the rag as you work, adding more when the rag seems to be drying up. A little bit goes a long way.


    • The shine achieved by the oil will last at least a week, so it's not a daily chore you need to keep redoing. Apply the oil at least once a month to build up the shine. Taking time to apply oil at regular intervals will ensure the furniture keeps its sheen and requires less maintenance as time goes by.